Lewis AS, Rollinson CR, Allyn AJ, Ashander J, Brodie S, Brookson CB, Collins E, Dietze MC, Gallinat AS, Juvigny-Khenafou N, Koren G. 2022. The power of forecasts to advance ecological theory. Methods in Ecology and Evolution DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.13955.

Ellwood ER, Gallinat AS, McDonough MacKenzie C, Miller T, Miller-Rushing A, Polgar C, Primack RB. 2021. Plant and bird phenology and plant occurrence from 1851 to 2020 (non-continuous) in Thoreau’s Concord, Massachusetts. Ecology, e3646.

Gallinat AS, Ellwood ER, Miller-Rushing AJ, Pearse WD, Heberling JM, Primack RB. 2021. Macrophenology: insights into the broad-scale patterns, drivers, and ecological consequences of phenology. American Journal of Botany, 108: 2122-2126.

Stachewicz J, Pearse WD, Woolf H, Koontz A, Gallinat AS. 2021. Strong cross-trait allometry and phylogenetic signal in North American ground beetle (Carabidae) morphology. Ecosphere, 12: e03832.

Gallinat AS, Pearse WD. 2021. Phylogenetic generalized linear mixed modeling presents novel opportunities for eco‐evolutionary synthesis. Oikos, 130: 669-679.

Miller TK, Gallinat AS, Smith LC, Primack RB. 2021. Comparing fruiting phenology across two historical datasets: Thoreau’s observations and herbarium specimens. Annals of Botany, mcab019.

Smith TP, Flaxman S, Gallinat AS, Kinosian SP, Stemkovski M, Unwin HJ, Watson OJ, Whittaker C, Cattarino L, Dorigatti I, Tristem M. 2021. Temperature and population density influence SARS-CoV-2 transmission in the absence of nonpharmaceutical interventions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118: e2019284118.

Miller-Rushing AJ, Athearn N, Blackford T, Brigham C, Cohen L, Cole-Will R, Edgar T, Ellwood ER, Fisichelli N, Pritz CF, Gallinat AS, et al. 2021. COVID-19 pandemic impacts on conservation research, management, and public engagement in US national parks. Biological Conservation, 257: 109038.

Primack RB, Ellwood ER, Gallinat AS, Miller‐Rushing AJ. 2021. The growing and vital role of botanical gardens in climate change research. New Phytologist, early view: DOI: 10.1111/nph.17410.

Richardson L, Gallagher MK, Hayes T, Gallinat AS, Kiefer G, Manion K, Jenkins M, Diersen G, Wagenius S. 2021. Competition for pollination and isolation from mates differentially impact four stages of pollination in a model grassland perennial. Journal of Ecology, 109: 1356-1369.

McDonough MacKenzie C, Gallinat AS, Zipf L. 2020. Low-cost observations and experiments return a high value in plant phenology research. Applications in Plant Sciences, e11338. PDF

Gallinat AS, Primack RB, Lloyd-Evans TL. 2020. Can invasive species replace native species as a resource for birds under climate change? A case study on bird-fruit interactions. Biological Conservation, 241: 108268. PDF

Smith L, Primack RB, Zipf L, Pardo S, Gallinat AS, Panchen ZA. 2019. Leaf longevity in temperate evergreen species is related to phylogeny and leaf size. Oecologia, DOI: 10.1007/s00442-019-04492-z. PDF

Miller-Rushing AJ, Gallinat AS, Primack RB. 2019. Creative citizen science illuminates complex ecological responses to climate change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1820266116. PDF

Gallinat AS, Primack RB, Willis CG, Nordt B, Stevens AD, Fahey R, Whittemore A, Du Y, Panchen ZA. 2018. Patterns and predictors of fleshy fruit phenology at five international botanic gardens. American Journal of Botany, 105(11): 1824-1834. PDF

Yost JM, Sweeney PW, Gilbert E, Nelson G, Guralnick R, Gallinat AS, Ellwood ER, Rossington N, Willis CG, Blum SD, Walls RL, Haston EM, Denslow MW, Zohner CM, Morris AB, Stucky BJ, Carter JR, Baxter DG, Bolmgren K, Denny EG, Dean E, Davis CC, Mishler BD, Soltis PS, Mazer SJ. 2018. Digitization Protocol for Scoring Phenology from Herbarium Specimens of Seed Plants. Applications in Plant Sciences, 6(1): e1022. PDF

Gallinat AS, Russo L, Melaas EK, Willis CG, Primack RB. 2018. Herbarium specimens show patterns of fruiting phenology in native and invasive plant species across New England. American Journal of Botany, 105: 31-41. PDF

Primack RB, Gallinat AS. 2017. An International Network of Trees: Botanical gardens from around the world investigate the timing of leaf-out, leaf senescence, and fruit ripening. Silva, September issue. PDF

Stegman, L, Primack RB, Gallinat AS, Lloyd-Evans TL, Ellwood ER. 2017. Reduced sampling frequency can still detect changes in abundance and phenology of migratory landbirds. Biological Conservation, 210: 107-115. PDF

Willis CG, Ellwood ER, Primack RB, Davis CC, Pearson KD, Gallinat AS, Yost JM, Nelson G, Mazer SJ, Rossington NL, Sparks TH, Soltis PS. 2017. Old plants, new tricks: phenological research using herbarium specimens. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 32: 531-546. PDF

Primack RB, Gallinat AS. 2017. Insights into grass phenology from herbarium specimens. New Phytologist, 213: 1567-1568. PDF

Rycroft N, Seliga AM, Lubinski TJ, Stefanik D, Jennings AR, Mills J, LaBonty M, Kamath A, Lohe A, Gallinat AS, Hasan N, Yalonestrakaya A, Reilley-Luther J, Basu RL. 2016. Urban ecology: Inquiry‐based and experiential laboratory exercises for urban ecosystems. Proceedings of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education.

Primack RB, Gallinat AS. 2016. Spring budburst in a changing climate. American Scientist, 104: 102-109. PDF

Gallinat AS, Primack RB, Wagner DL. 2015. Autumn, the neglected season in climate change research. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 30:169-176. PDF

Primack RB, Laube J, Gallinat AS, Menzel A. 2015. From observations to experiments in phenology research: Investigating climate change impacts on trees and shrubs using dormant twigs. Annals of Botany, mcv032. PDF

Panchen Z, Primack RB, Gallinat AS, Nordt B, Dieter-Stevens A, Du Y, Fahey R. 2015. Substantial variation in leaf senescence times among 1360 temperate woody plant species: Implications for phenology and ecosystem processes. Annals of Botany, mcv015. PDF

Gill AL, Gallinat AS, Sanders-DeMott R, Rigden AJ, Short Gianotti DJ, Mantooth JA, Templer PH. 2015. Changes in autumn senescence in northern hemisphere deciduous trees: a meta-analysis of fall phenology studies. Annals of Botany, mcv055. PDF

Ellwood ER, Gallinat AS, Primack RB, Lloyd-Evans TL. 2014. Autumn migration of North American landbirds. Phenological Synchrony and Bird Migration: Changing Climate and Seasonal Resources in North America, 47:193-208. PDF

Polgar C, Gallinat AS, Primack RB. 2014. Drivers of leaf out phenology and their implications for species invasions: insights from Thoreau's Concord. New Phytologist, 202: 106-115. PDF